Tuesday, March 31, 2020

FREE Book Promotion Websites (A Resource for Broke Indie Authors)

So, you're an indie author. And you're broke. Not just a little broke. Very, very broke. You want to schedule an Amazon ebook promotion and you have zero dollars to spend.

I can help. At least a little bit. Listed below are twenty websites that offer free slots for ebook promotions. Some require that the book be free, some that it be discounted. On many of these websites you have a 1 in 50 chance of getting listed. Still, 1 in 50 is better than nothing and even a single listing will help you to climb Amazon algorithms.

I'm not personally affiliated with any of these websites, but I have submitted Kindle promotions to all of them.

Ebooks Habit (your book must have 5 reviews on Amazon to be submitted) https://ebookshabit.com/for-authors/
KindleBookPromos.luckycinda.com https://kindlebookpromos.luckycinda.com/?page_id=10719 
The eReader Café (Your book must have 3 reviews to submit)https://theereadercafe.com/promote-your-books/
Reading Deals (Your book must have 5 reviews and an average of 4 stars to submit.) https://readingdeals.com/submit-ebook
The Book Circle (This website selects just 5 books per day to promote.) https://www.book-circle.com/submit-free-kindle-ebook-listing/
Books on the Knob (Don't send free books here. They only advertise discounted books.) http://blog.booksontheknob.org/subscribe-about-contact/authors-read-this
Topless Cowboy (Romance Novels Only) https://toplesscowboy.com/submit-your-book/