Thursday, July 16, 2020

Moving Forward

After my amazing book launch for A Blueprint for Hope, I've made some decisions about how I would like to move forward in my writing.

Firstly, I will minimize my time spent on Twitter. What was at one time a wonderful app for connecting writers and readers has devolved into a numbers game and a pissing contest. I don't believe that readers find novels through Twitter. 

As to the Writing Community, you can imagine how dismayed I felt when I shared the happy news of my book launch, only to find a thread of other writers ripping me apart. Apparently, they decided to take the screenshots that I shared as an invitation to criticize a book they had never read and a marketing strategy I never shared. My goal in posting the screenshots was to thank my audience and to encourage other indie authors on their publishing journeys. I never wanted to make anyone feel badly about their own novels. I decided not to engage with the thread, but reading the nasty comments has soured me to the platform for now. I am not going to delete my account at this time. However, I will be removing the app from my phone. I will use Twitter only to share writing and publishing updates in the future.

My time is limited and I have decided to devote more of it to this blog and to writing my new novels. 

I think good things are coming and I will do my best to keep you all updated. As always, thank you for your years of support! 

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