Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What an Incredible Book Launch!


I am stunned. 

To everyone who has downloaded A Blueprint for Hope this week, thank you so much! I hope you love the novel.

They say a picture is worth a thousands words, so I'm going to leave a few screenshots here to show you what this launch looked like from my dashboards and why I've been left almost speechless.

*Above: 4,579 copies downloaded! 

*Above: 2,906 pages read on Kindle Unlimited. I want to give a special thanks to anyone who has read the book through Kindle Unlimited during the free promotion period. Doing this means that, at no additional cost to the reader, the author gets paid.

 *Above: I hit #5 in Amazon's Best Seller rank for Contemporary Romance Fiction. Honestly, I almost fell out of my chair

*Above: The current ratings on Goodreads. Sales, downloads, page reads and rankings are all exciting for an author, but nothing compares to seeing that readers are enjoying your work.

Thanks again to all of you for your support. I couldn't do it without you. 

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